About Us

This program aims at exceeding the organizations’ service delivery to excellence. To realize its objectives, CHADET conducts research, studies and assessments and works with like-minded organizations.


CHADET, as part of its intervention, conducts research and studies to understand its context and to strengthen its knowledge base.  Furthermore, while extending its services to new regions, CHADET often undertakes preliminary surveys to deliver a more effective service and better meet the needs of local residents.  Some of the researches conducted have been presented on international conferences conducted in Kenya, Canada, Thailand and Australia. In the coming strategic period, CHADET will extensively conduct and promote research.

Youth Uncertainty Rights World Research

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)/Department for International Development (DFID) Poverty Fund is funding research into new knowledge about youth understandings of uncertainty, violence, poverty and rights in post-conflict and fragile environments in Ethiopia and Nepal (£498,502). The research will provide insights into how to support and sustain pathways out of poverty for street connected and marginalised youth.

The overall aim of the research is to generate new knowledge about how marginalised youth perceive, navigate, negotiate and respond to uncertainty and how this may affect their rights and pathways out of poverty in impoverished fragile and conflict affected communities, which may also be prone to natural disasters. The relationship between poverty and uncertainty will be examined in Ethiopia and Nepal in partnership with CHADET and ActionAid Nepal, organisations that have demonstrated their local expertise in working with the most marginalised children and youth on poverty, rights and participation. Dr Vicky Johnson is the Principal Investigator and will utilise her strong working relationships with Ethiopian and Nepalese partners, and knowledge of national contexts, to lead the co-constructed research process and international capacity building. The research has been co-constructed with academics and practitioners internationally: Dr Melese Getu from the University of Addis Ababa will lead the Ethiopian team and Sumon Kamal Tuladhar from the University of Tribhuvan, Nepal will lead the Nepalese team.

You can read moreabout the project and access the various papers and briefings produced HERE.

Impact of HIV & AIDS on Communities and Societies in Ethiopia

CHADET is honored to be able to participate in a major Social Science Research (SSR) survey funded by the Dutch Government. The Royal Tropical Institute of the Netherlands provided a substantial grant to support a research on ‘the Impact of HIV & AIDS on Communities and Societies in Ethiopia’. As an organization with extensive experience of supporting PLWHA (People Living with HIV & AIDS), CHADET has been able to select 10 doctoral candidates for undertaking research.


To share best practices and deliver services, CHADET works in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental institutions that work on the prevention of child abuse and exploitation.

In order to enhance community’s awareness on the risks faced by street and working children, CHADET organizes public education programs and disseminates information through music, drama, leaflets, posters, radio and television.

CHADET organized music and drama groups in different regions for educating and sensitizing the community on child protection issues.

CHADET works with seven Charities and associations (ANPPCAN, FSCE, OPRIFS, IFSO, Goal Ethiopia, Family Guidance Association Ethiopia and ACPF) to execute a multi-sectoral joint project for the prevention of and rehabilitation from sexual abuse and exploitation. It further works with Emanuel Development Association and other three partners on ‘protection of children on the move in the Northern Corridor of Ethiopia’.


CHADET is a charitable organisation registered in Ethiopia (Reg. no. 0234) that works for the protection and welfare of children found under difficult circumstances.


CHADET’s Motto


Striving to build Children’s future!


25 years of service for vulnerable children and young people!