About Us


CHADET is a charitable organisation registered in Ethiopia (Reg. no. 0234) that works for the protection and welfare of children found under difficult circumstances. The establishment of CHADET coincided with the period when the HIV/AIDS pandemic was on its highest peak in Ethiopia. Hence, most of the projects launched by the organization during that time focused on educating the community about protection and mitigating the impact of AIDS on children and families infected and affected by the epidemic. In this regard, CHADET was able to train and deploy peer educators who were conveying educational messages for children and young persons and home care providers who were supporting individuals and families on voluntary basis. CHADET launched its first project in one of the most congested parts of the city of Addis Ababa where there are large numbers of street connected and working children, migrants and children exposed to physical and sexual exploitation. The area, which is also known as ‘Merkato’, is the largest commercial centre of the city. Expanding its operations in the country, CHADET currently implements different projects in thirteen Woredas/districts of South Wollo and South Gondar Administrative Zones in Amhara Regional State as well as in Arsi and South West Shoa Zones in Oromiya Regional State. It also implements different projects in Addis Ababa. CHADET has shown remarkable progress in terms of enhancing its capacity and addressing more and more marginalized children in different parts of the country since the time it has began operation. It has currently five field offices and three service delivery centers in the regional states and in Addis Ababa.




CHADET is a charitable organisation registered in Ethiopia (Reg. no. 0234) that works for the protection and welfare of children found under difficult circumstances.


CHADET’s Motto


Striving to build Children’s future!


25 years of service for vulnerable children and young people!